Map Your Hero(ine)


Map Your Hero(ine) Kick Off

The Map Your Hero(ine) website is online! It’s work in progress still, but it’s alive. For a long time I’ve been wondering to what extent characters change when novels are adapted. I have a hunch changes are rather limited, but there are only so many heroes and heroines or adaptations I know, and it’s high time to put this idea to the test. We’ll be adding to the website over the next few weeks, preparing for its first real run in November, when students taking Adapting to the Novel can use it to chart their favourite characters from novels and film adaptations. In addition to inspiring articles and links, the website will offer interactive tools for distant reading and text mining. Results will be presented to its users in attractive visualisations but also added to a data base, ensuring research by individual students contributes to the project as a whole.